Sunday, April 27, 2008

I guess we've been sucked in...

So I've never been much of a "blogger", just the idea of sitting and writing about my life for other people to read has never been very intriguing to me, however, due to other family and friends recently making blogs I've decided that maybe Jason and I should jump on the bandwagon.  Jason is not a big fan of any social websites (in fact, he hates anything that has to do with Myspace or Facebook) but we decided to go ahead and make this blog for us anyways.  Just a way to update anyone who may be interested in  the planning of our wedding and the start of our life together.

To begin, our first ever blog, I will just mention that Jason and I started church softball last night. His team did MUCH better than mine, winning both of their games by at least 10 points. I still played hard, for someone who had NEVER played softball before, and we are both extremely sore from it today.  I ran hard but didn't hit or throw (or catch for that matter) very well.  Jason did great, hit the ball every time he was up to bat and made some great outfield plays.  Unfortunately we're going to miss the next few weeks of games but hopefully it'll give our bodies some time to recover and we'll be ready to go for our next games in May.

1 comment:

Justin and Casey said...

I've finally found the phantom blog... putting those dashes in the address confused me! Anyway, I hope you're feeling better from softball, and I also hope this blog helps to suck Jason into the world of social (and electronic) networking... it's time to get on board!